Grow - Program Resources and Discussions

Selection of Grow Program Resources for new Organisers, Program workers and interested volunteer Grow leaders and members. Includes episodes on how to effectively run group meetings with all the elements and ingredients. Also includes interviews with staff and members and others regarding their participation and recovery journey through Grow its leadership model, roles and programs

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Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

Today's episode discusses if there is any valid reason for Grow members to learn or commit some pieces of Grow program content to memory? Secondly we discuss the actual purpose of the Grow Group Method middle routine section of 'Sharing of Knowledge and Understanding'
Might not be what you think?

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023

This episode briefly outlines Grow's deep history, pre-dating the terms, of building a Mental Health Program based fully on the Co-design process. Additionally, ensuring that lived experience of mental illness was and still is, present at EVERY level of governance at Grow from the local weekly group to the National Board.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023

Dave and Darryl are joined by Program Worker Ruth to discuss the beginnings and rise of online Grow groups. How they started, who are they for, and is there any evidence they work just like 'in-person' Grow groups? 

Friday Jun 02, 2023

Dave and Darryl introduce Con Keogh, one of the original co-founders of Grow Australia. This talk given circa 1991 at Grow's National Leadership days, outlines the origins of Grow leadership development as a concept and then its practice in the newly formed '8 Characteristics of leadership' in Grow.
Although advancing a little in age at this point Con is still a dynamic and charismatic speaker full of warmth and humour - please enjoy. 
(For Video version please contact your local Branch of Grow Australia)

Early Grow Principles 1-5

Friday Apr 14, 2023

Friday Apr 14, 2023

Dave Mc and Darryl discuss some of the early Grow principles of recovery that were developed and agreed upon by Grow members and leaders. Includes stories on how to use them and why and where they came from. 
Timeline of chapters
Personal Value 4:02 
Self Activation 18:53
Mutual Help 25:01
Ordinariness 29:57
Friendship 37:26

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023

Brief introduction to the purpose of the channel for Grow Program Resources. Meet Dave and Darryl from Grow Community Mental Health Australia and how to use the content provided for you as Grow leader staff member or active participant in weekly Grow groups and programs

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

Said at the beginning of every Grow group meeting - face to face and on-line, by all present - we break down, Who it applies to? What it means in practice and How it can affect the meeting positively and growthfully.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

Dave and Darryl briefly discuss the concept of Irrelevant talk in group, what it is? why It happens? The effect it has on group problem solving and members progress, how to caringly address the issue and challenge the group to get on track and get definite.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

Dave and Darryl unpack the second essential feature of Grow the 'Group Method' - they breakdown the difference between being faithful to the meeting procedure (but not rigid) and how to be flexible (if needed) to have a natural interaction and and an effective Grow group meeting.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022

Dave and Darryl discuss the why's and wherefores of problem solving, why its important and some insights into who and how


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